Orange CLUB run plan Time:20150117 saturday start time AM 8:30 (8点集合) 8点半准时开跑 Collection point&TIME : 7:00 蚂蚁单车店门口集合( 环城西路161号) 过时不候 (需要搭车的请告知) 8:00 东钱湖横街村停车场 Route:A- 横街村 -福泉山- 洋山村--下水村--横街村 折返 约20km 不想跑这么多的可以根据自己的体能情况随时沿公路折返 Notes. 中间有2段山地古道,注意防滑、注意安全,下坡注意控制速度,千万做好补给,横街村、洋山村、下水村都可以补给。 早起提前排空,吃好早餐,做好保温工作,活动前后一定要做充足拉伸!冬天运动热身很重要! 本周末预计天气美好!冬训好时节,各位别错过! 1. The intense level of this track is quite high. Pls choose the proper track depending on owe ability. The difference of time consumed between 90km and 60km is about one hours long. 2、下坡注意安全,专注路面情况! 2. Downhill pay attention to safety, focus on the road! 3、注意检查装备腕表、心率带等,自带能量补充物品(香蕉、能量胶、能量棒、饮用水)。 3. Watch of wrist of check equipment, such as heart rate, carry energy supplement products (banana, gels, bars, drinking water). PS :户外运动有风险,请各位自行购买人身意外保险! (Outdoor sports has a risk, please purchase personal accident insurance.) 联系人:蚂蚁 13806662771 橘子俱乐部 QQ群:129228718 |
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