Orange CLUB run plan
Time:2015613 saturday
start time AM 6:15 6点30准时开跑
Collection point&TIME : 九龙湖 (九龙山庄停车场)
Route:九龙湖 (北山)登山步道 10-20公里 全程基本土路,有庇荫,适合夏日拉练
1. The intense level of this track is quite high. Pls choose the proper track depending on owe ability. The difference of time consumed between 90km and 60km is about one hours long.
2. Downhill pay attention to safety, focus on the road!
3. Watch of wrist of check equipment, such as heart rate, carry energy supplement products (banana, gels, bars, drinking water).
PS :户外运动有风险,请各位自行购买人身意外保险!
(Outdoor sports has a risk, please purchase personal accident insurance.)