此蓝色盖环圈旋钮是一个模糊的功能。字面翻译是低速增阻控制旋钮。它以油路模拟弹簧, 供玩家微调弹簧率(弹性系数),有8段调节。初次设定时,将旋钮逆时针旋转到底,再顺时针旋转5下。原文如下(Low-speed compression damping is adjusted with the blue bezel ring (shown below) below the blue lockout lever, and has 8 clicks of adjustment. Compression damping controls the speed at which the fork compresses. Adjust low-speed compression with lockout disabled (lockout lever fully counterclockwise). As a starting point, turn the low-speed compression dial all the way counterclockwise (full out) until it stops, then turn clockwise (in) 5 clicks.)这个功能只能仁者见仁智者见智了。