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Orange CLUB cycling&run plan 橘子俱乐部骑行训练
Time:20150131 Saturday 周六
start time AM 8:30 (8点集合) 8点半准时开骑
Collection point&TIME : 8:00 龙观新家厦 (需要搭车的请事先预约)
Route 线路:龙观-半山-观顶-龙观
一圈30km 2-3圈,高手可以目标3圈
妹子 新人 可以考虑1-2圈
BTW: 本路线跑步也不错,若想去跑步的亦可同去。
Notes. 注意交通规则,注意过往车辆和动物,别骑路中间和对方车道!
1. The intense level of this track is quite high. Pls choose the proper track depending on owe ability. The difference of time consumed between 90km and 60km is about one hours long.
2. Pls pay more attention when you are downhill. Helmet must be worn and leader has right to deny anyone who doesn’t wear helmet carelessly or even deliberately. Front brake should be used for mainly deceleration and back break shouldn’t be push too hard in order to avoid dangerous drift.
3. Pls finish checking bikes before activity starts. Essential: inner tube, energy supplements such as bananas, energy bar, electrolyte enhanced sport drink and so on.
PS :骑车有风险,请各位自行购买人身意外保险!
联系人:远风 微信: knight1640
橘子俱乐部 QQ群:129228718