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Here are a selection of photographs of a Biker's Wedding in zhuji, near Shaoxing (Zhejiang).
The bride and groom rode on a tandem.
Forty bikers gave the marital couple a 'guard of honour' through the town.
Bikers getting ready before the honour parade. Note the red balloons. Red is the colour of happiness in China.
This is from the local newspaper.
Clear the nostrils - to ensure maximum air reaches the lungs.
The media scrum forms.
The crowd waits for the celeb couple.
The groom collects his bride. Isn't this such a romantic way to begin your married life, piggy-backing you betrothed?
It is sometimes easier to give the madia what it wants than to demand your privacy. Diana and H.R.H. The Prince of Wales knew all about this, too.
A quick pose for the media.
Off on a bicycle built for two. There are laws in China prohibiting bike riders riding holding opened umbrellas. Alas, celeb's can get away with things ordinary people can't. Thet live better than Paris Hilton.
Let's hope her dress doesn't get caught in the spokes. Note the bride isn't peddling. She's teaching him (from before day one) that he's got to do the work.
The Honour Guard. (Can you see me?)
Believe it or not, the Chinese media are fascinated with the bicycle cult. This is despite most Chinese riding old clunkers themselves.
The Lads have a 'sherbert' after the ride. Often the beer is served warm.
If you don't have a photograph of it, then it mustn't have happened.
The media will take shoot anything, it seems.
I'm sure he scored a great shot, but he must NEVER ridecule the media for being over enthusiastic.
Phrases read so much better when written in a foreign language, don't they? It's just a bit of a bummer when the 'foreign language' is your first language.
The woman in the black t-shirt is from a local radio station. She previously asked me (live-to-air) a series of about five questions, to which I replied (still live-to-air) "Tim bu dong. Wo bu hui shuo Zhong Wen" (I don't understand. I don't speak any Chinese dialects). My interview was promptly terminated. I'm no longer a member of the glitteratti.
Fold-up bikes are extremely popular in China. I think these are a 'his-and-hers' set.
Legless in Seattle
Asking about bike riding from the female perspective.
Dumpling. These rice-flour buns will be steemed. Thet can contain prok, tofu, picked vegetable, or anything else you can think of. They're delicious.
At the bottom of the barrel is a fire. The bread is cooked on the inside wall of the barrel.
Eat inside the restaurant.
After everyone's eaten.