
标题: 来,听听这支叙利亚穆斯林歌曲 — 《Youth Radio of the Syrian Arab Republic》 [打印本页]

作者: 孔子与乐队    时间: 2005-8-17 11:45
标题: 来,听听这支叙利亚穆斯林歌曲 — 《Youth Radio of the Syrian Arab Republic》



Sublime Frequencies 是个很有趣的厂牌。鼓励各国录音爱好者把身周的声响录下。这张〈V/A I Remember Syria〉就是这样的一张唱片。

艺术家Mark Gergis把自己在1998及2000年在叙利亚的”采风“灌录成此碟。碟中记录了这个西亚穆斯林国家轮廓层面上的声响面貌。从街头到旷野,从卖艺者的琴声到婚礼上欢闹;从电视信号再到收音机的节目。不一而足。

这首"Youth Radio of the Syrian Arab Republic" 就是他直接从收音机上录下的当地“新潮”电台节目。


A jaw-dropping expose of music, news, interviews and field recordings from one of the least-known quarters of the Arab world. The country of Syria has been politically and culturally exiled for decades by the western media leaving little known of its rich heritage of art, music and culture. Recorded and surgically-assembled by Mark Gergis from two trips to Syria in 1998 and 2000, disc one of this 2-CD set features recordings made in Damascus and is a virtual documentary of sound from the legendary Capital including street scenes, a wedding, a mosque interior, spontaneous live music and interviews with citizens, radio broadcasts, a song about Saddam Hussein, and the mystery of an underground city called "Kazib". Disc two extends to Greater syria with the same approach capturing live musicians, political opinions, radio excerpts, an interview with an anonymous homo***ual, and unique sound documents from this small but highly-influential corner of the Middle East.


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