Now, release your hot soul into the future
And search for the reality that was lost
With a burning flame, blaze the darkness that is
Attacking the friendship we promised each other
Even after any kind of sadness, cross the deep darkness
As the distant morning sun colours Heaven and Earth
Keep on shining, shining Your Radiance
Keep on shining Your Eyes
Keep on shooting, shooting Release
Keep on shooting Your Soul
Burn up your emotions deeply
With kindness rather than hatred and your sweat rather than tears
Search for your eternity that was stolen
With the power of your love, smash the darkness
that is creeping on you with clenched fists
Even with an endurable pain, change it into a bittersweet memory
As the crimson setting sun colours Heaven and Earth
Keep on searching, searching Don't abandon
Keep on searching Your Love
Keep on shooting, shooting Release
Keep on shooting Your Soul
Burn up your emotions deeply
Even after any kind of sadness, cross the deep darkness
As the distant morning sun colours Heaven and Earth
Keep on shining, shining Your Radiance
Keep on shining Your Eyes
Keep on shooting, shooting Release
Keep on shooting Your Soul
Burn up your emotions deeply作者: 无法自拔 时间: 2010-7-13 11:24
人活着,只是为了轮回作者: yeyixue 时间: 2010-7-13 18:54
有车有地有房子 老婆孩子暖被窝作者: aliang 时间: 2010-8-4 12:49
我想,我活着就是为了周游作者: 吐鲁番 时间: 2010-9-1 14:53 回复 69#aliang
那是你喜欢周游的缘故作者: 涅槃 时间: 2010-9-8 13:48