Simon & Garfunkel的创作核心是Paul Simon,Paul Simon 在我心目中与众不同的地方是几乎他所有的歌的的歌词都是他自己亲手写的,而且几乎每一首歌的歌词就是一首诗。他很善于捕捉人生、生活中的一些小片断加以描述、咏唱,对人的一些很细微的心理活动和内心感受也捉摸的极其准确,同时他的创作题材也很广泛。他的歌中有一种从从容容、娓娓道来的感觉,他也有感情迸发的歌,但是由于他的铺垫做的很好,并没有让听众感到突然和不自然,反而心灵也随着激荡起来,因而深深被打动,独自细细咀嚼之下,愈觉回味无穷。
Old friends, old friends,
Sat on their parkbench like bookends
A newspaper blown through the grass
Falls on the round toes
of the high shoes of the old friends
Old friends, winter companions, the old men
Lost in their overcoats, waiting for the sunset
The sounds of the city sifting through trees
Settles like dust on the shoulders of the old friends
Can you imagine us years from today,
Sharing a parkbench quietly
How terribly strange to be seventy
Old friends, memory brushes the same years,
Silently sharing the same fears作者: 路边飞 时间: 2006-6-8 09:28