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斯柯达HEROS第十一届中国黄山(黟县)国际山地节Skoda – Heros 11th International Mountain Bike Fiesta Huangshan Mountain (Yixian)
一、赛事组织(组委会) 中央电视台体育频道 协办单位:上海市自行车运动协会 黄山市体育局 黟县人民政府 中共黄山市委宣传部 承办单位: 上海奥林实业有限公司 战略合作伙伴:上海大众斯柯达品牌 特别支持:崔克中国 特邀品牌:中信银行 安信农保 城市超市 禧玛诺 森地客 野途 滚石 1 Event Organizers Organizers: China Cycling Sports Associate Anhui Province Sports Bureau The People Government of Huangshan City CCTV-Sports Co-Organizers: Shanghai Cycling Sports Associate Huangshan Sports Bureau The People Government of Yixian Propaganda Department of Huangshan Operation: OLYM Sports Strategic Partner: Skoda Special Thanks: Trek Sponsors: China CITIC Bank Anxin Agriculture Insurance City Shop Shimano Santic WILDTO Rolling Stones
二、竞赛时间、地点 竞赛时间:2016年3月26-27日 竞赛类型:山地赛 竞赛地点:安徽省黄山市黟县 2. Dates and Location Dates: Mar 26th-27th, 2016 Category: Mountain Bike Cross Country Location: Yixian, Huangshan, Anhui Province 三、竞赛分组 3月26日竞赛:男/女子经典精英组(40KM) 男/女子经典体验组(20KM) 家庭体验组 职工体验组 3月27日竞赛:男/女子20KM组 男/女子40KM组 男/女子60KM组 3. Groups Date Mar 26th, Male/Female Elite (40KM) Male/Female Open (20KM) Family Try-out Staff Member Try-out Date Mar 27th, Male/Female 20KM Male/Female 40KM Male/Female 60KM 四、参赛资格 1. 参赛者比赛现场必须携带本人有效证件(身份证或护照、港澳通行证、台胞证、军官证)原件。 2. 除家庭体验组及职工体验组外其余组别参赛选手需年满16周岁。未满18周岁选手参加比赛必须由其法定监护人陪同并出具书面担保。 3. 参赛者应长期从事自行车锻炼,必须具有良好的适合本次比赛的健康状况,要求身体健康,无视力、听力、语言、发热、感冒、心脏病、高血压、心肌梗、脑栓等任 何影响比赛的身体疾病或障碍,心理健康、情绪稳定、未服用任何影响神智的饮品、酒类、药物、食物或保健品等。比赛组织方有权禁止不适合参赛的选手进行比赛。 4. 参赛者性别和国籍不限。 5. 在中国自行车运动协会注册的现役以及退役不满3年的运动员不得报名参加除男/女子60KM组外其余组别。如经发现取消比赛成绩。 6.选手需在赛前签署《法律责任免除与权利放弃书》,签字人与参赛人应一致,未成年人应由家长或法定监护人签名。《法律责任免除与权利放弃书》可以从赛事官网下载并打印,签名后交至现场签到处,或在现场签到处领取并签名。 4.Race Qualification - Please bring valid original ID (citizen ID or passport, HK and Macau Permit, Taiwan Permit, Military ID) on the event date - Participators must be 16 years old except Family and Staff Member Try-out groups. Participators who are under 18 years old must be with legal guardians and bring signed Guarantee Documents - Participators must be in good health condition. No seeing, hearing and speaking deficient. No flu, fever, heart disease, high blood pressure, MI, Stroke, etc. No metal disease, and no drink of alcohol and no take of medication. For those who violate limitations above, organizers are allowed to disqualify their participation. - No limitations on gender and nationality - For those who are registered under China Cycling Associate professional and retired less than 3 years athletes are only allowed to join the Male/Female 60KM group - All the participators must sign wavier in person. Those who under 18 years old must have legal guardians sign wavier. Wavier can be downloaded from the official website or got from the sign-in station. 报名须知及费用 Registration and fee
1、报名时间: 网络报名时间:2016年2月22日—— 3月21日 线下报名时间:即日起——3月18日 比赛报名以最终交费为准;已报名但逾期未交费视为无效报名。 1. Registration Time: Online registration: Feb 22th – Mar 21st, 2016 Offline registration: Present- Mar 18th, 2016 Registered participators who fail to pay the fee on time will be disqualified from the race
2、报名方式 (1)在线报名 野途APP (2)线下报名点(车店)报名 另行提供线下报名点列表 2. Registration Method: - Online registration WILDTO APP - Offline registration See appendix
3、退、改组须知 如需进行退赛、改组操作,请申请邮件至邮箱:info@heros.org.cn;报名截止(3月21日)之 后不再接受退改组申请。 3.Group Change and Quit Please send your requirements to info@heros.org.cn by Mar 21st, 2016. Otherwise no change will be accepted. 4、签到及领取参赛套包时间: 签到及领取参赛套包时间: (1)3月25日10:00-17:00, (2)3月26日8:30-10:00, (3)3月27日8:30-10:00, 赛事包领取地点:金陵黟县宾馆(3月25日) 宏村学校(3月26、27日 签到时均需凭报名有效身份证件原件签到。 签到时领取比赛套包(含计时器、号码牌、比赛手册等)。 签到时每个参赛项目缴纳 100 元计时器押金,比赛完成后即退回。 如遇下雨等天气,请提前到场签到或听取通知4 4。 Check-in and event package Dates and time: 10:00-17:00 Mar 25th, 2016 8:30-10:00 Mar 26th, 2016 8:30-10:00 Mar 27th, 2016 Location: Jinlin Yixian Hotel (Mar 25th, 2016) Hongcun School (Mar 26th, 27th, 2016) Please bring your original ID Pick up event package (Timing chip, BIB, rulebook) 100 RMB for each Timing chip and refund after race For
5、注意事项: 参赛前请务必认真阅读《赛事规程》以及《法律责任免除与权利放弃书》,选手需在赛前签署《法律责任免除与权利放弃书》,签字人与参赛人应一致,未成年人应由家长或法定监护人签名。 5. Attention Please read rulebook and Wavier carefully before the race. Please sign the wavier in person before the race. Participators under 18 years old need signatures from legal guardians. 6、计时器: 签到时每位参赛者需缴纳100元计时器押金,比赛结束后凭身份证和计时器退回押金。 6. Timing Chip 100 RMB deposit for each timing chip and will refund after the race with valid ID.
7、监督及举报: 3月21日起至3月24日,赛事官网公开参赛名单,并接受监督及举报,被举报不符合参赛资格的名单将于 3月24日递交中国自行车运动协会核查,经查属实将取消参赛资格。经举报被取消参赛资格的选手报名费不予退回。邮箱: info@heros.org.cn7. Investigation From Mar 21st to 24th, the official website will release the name list for investigation and reporting purpose. Anyone who fails to pass the investigation by China Cycling Associate will not be qualified for the race and the registration fee is non-refundable. Reporting email: infor@heros.org.cn
组别设置及报名费 比赛时间 Time | 组别名称 Groups | 报名费 Fee | 团体优惠 Group Discount | 3月26日 | 男子经典精英组(40KM) | 200元 | 150元 | 女子经典精英组(40KM) | 200元 | 150元 | 男子经典体验组(20KM) | 200元 | 150元 | 女子经典体验组(20KM) | 200元 | 150元 | 职工体验组 | 120 | 80 | 家庭组 | 50元 | 无 | 3月27日 | 男子20KM组 | 200元 | 150元 | 女子20KM组 | 200元 | 150元 | 男子40KM组 | 200元 | 150元 | 女子40KM组 | 200元 | 150元 | 男子60KM组 | 200元 | 150元 | 女子60KM组 | 200元 | 150元 |
团体报名6人以上可享受团体优惠价; 每人每个比赛日限报一项,如同时参加两天比赛,报名费按最高额收取一次; 报名费用含比赛当日自行车赛事专用保险、矿泉水和代金券; 所有参赛选手需自备比赛用车和护具,比赛时必须佩戴头盔和手套。 -Group discount for teams over 6 persons -Each person can only register for one race per day. For those who join the race both days, only pay for the higher registration fee -Registration fee includes insurance, drink and coupons on the racing day -All participators must have racing bikes and protecting equipment, must wear helmet and gloves during the race
更多报名优惠 持有黄山市本地身份证的车友,报名费100元/人(家庭组除外) More information Registration fee is 100 RMB/person for those who have Huangshan city ID (not include family try-out group) 付款方式 野途APP:在线支付 HEROS官方邮箱报名:支付宝在线支付,支付宝帐号——13167058532(蒋之律) Payment method Xrace APP: online payment HEROS official email registration: Alipay 13167058532 备 注 ★支付宝请在付款原因说明栏注明选手姓名、参赛组别; Memo: -Please mark your name and group when using Alipay -If don’t receive confirmation letter after payment in 3 days, please contact us: info@heros.org.cn 赛道信息 (26日线路图) 赛道描述:26日经典赛道,总长20KM。由越野及爬坡综合路况组成。 线路D——经典精英/体验组比赛线路,单圈长度20KM 线路C——职工体验组比赛线路,单圈长度12KM 线路B——家庭体验组比赛线路,单圈长度5KM (27日线路图) 赛道描述:27日越野赛道,总长20KM。越野路况。 线路A——男/女子(20、40、60)KM组比赛线路,单圈全长20KM
赛事规则 比赛检录 1. 每组比赛开始前45-60分钟开始进行检录(根据现场情况而定),比赛开始前10分钟停止检录,未检录者视自动放弃,未经检录而进行比赛者即使完成比赛成绩亦无效。 2. 检录时,裁判将根据参赛者身份证或户口簿、护照等有效证件进行身份确认,如发现有更改者或冒名顶替者将直接取消参赛资格( 不得代替他人检录参加比赛)。 3. 检录时裁判将检查车手是否按规定佩带头盔、手套、号码布,车辆是否按规定固定号码牌、计时器。如上述未按规定执行,裁判有权要求车手重新处理直至合格为止,否则导致的不能参赛或资格取消,车手责任自负。 4. 完成检录后选手集中在检录区等候,不得离开。 5. 检录后未按裁判发令统一出发者(如检录后自行离开,在比赛开始后返回), 不得中途加入比赛,即使完成比赛,成绩亦无效。 Check-in 1. Check-in starts 45-60 minutes prior to the race and ends 10 minutes before the race. Participators who fail to go through check-in process will not have valid racing results 2. Participators who fail to pass ID verification will be removed from the racing list 3. Please wear Helmet, gloves, make sure BIB and timing chip on proper positions before check-in. Participators who fail to fulfill the requirements will be disqualified from the race. 4. Please do not leave check-in area after the check-in process, otherwise will not have valid racing results 比赛规则 1. 本组比赛用车为山地车,比赛为大组出发,个人计时制,完成规定圈数,比赛用时少者优胜。 2. 赛事中,裁判有权按组别、参加者数量、水平等状况决定是否采取合并组别出发、比赛,合并组别不影响比赛成绩记录及奖励。 3. 每组骑行圈数按赛项约定进行,裁判有权根据当日实际情况采取是否加、减圈数或采取关门的权利。 4. 所有比赛竞技纠纷由当场比赛裁判长判决。 5. 对比赛成绩有异议者在比赛成绩发布后半小时内向裁判长提出书面仲裁申诉,提供相关证件及相应证据。逾时否则视为放弃申诉权利。 6. 参赛选手的参赛用车、装备与护具自备,参赛者在比赛期间必须佩戴头盔、手套,安装比赛号码,否则裁判有权随时取消参赛资格并令其提前终止比赛。 7. 比赛中不得有抄近道、不得漏跑圈数,不得故意冲撞、排挤、刮蹭他人,否则取消比赛成绩。 8. 比赛采取电子计时为主、人工计时为辅的计时方式。 9. 比赛中容许携带轮胎、维修工具进行自行维修,不得借助外部力量维修。 10. 赛事主裁由中国自行车运动协会指派,比赛规则如有未尽规定,参照中国自行车运动协会最新规则执行。 11. 赛事当日如遇一般性的刮风、下雨天气,比赛将照常,不延期、更改日期。 赛事当日如遇雷雨、狂风、暴雨等特别恶劣天气,比赛可能将被延迟、延期或择日举行或终止或被取消,请大家理解支持,报名费用恕不能退还。 12. 如遇下雨等天气,裁判组有权根据赛事进展情况、天气状况等采取合并或分组、增减圈数、提前或推后发车等措施以保证顺利完成比赛,敬请车手注意现场公告、通知。因此导致的比赛异议,赛事组委会恕不受理投诉。也请车友提前到场随时关注现场通知及公告。 13. 如因雷雨天气等因素导致比赛计时器无法工作,比赛成绩将以人工记录、摄像记录等为主,裁判组将只能提供奖励名次,无比赛用时及其他名次,敬请谅解。 14. 请车友在比赛前几天及当日注意登录我们的赛事网站、微博,查看最新通知或信息。同时,请保持手机开机,以便我们及时通过短信等方式通知变化、更改事宜。 Regulations 1. Mountain bikes are required. Participators depart together, timing chip will record each one’s racing time and winner is the one who uses the least time 2. Referees have the right to combine race groups according to racing day conditions. But it won’t change the results and rewards 3. Referees have the right to increase or decrease the race laps and decide cut-off rules due to racing day conditions. 4. Any dispute will be judged by chief referee 5. Anyone who has second thought about the racing result could submit written arbitration application and evidence to chief referee during half hour after the results are released. Otherwise, no application will be accepted. 6. Participators must wear protecting equipment, such as helmets, gloves, and BIB and use proper racing bikes 7. Participators must not take shortcuts or fewer laps during race. Must not bump, push or rub other participators deliberately. 8. Auto recording system is the main method for timing, while supported by manually timing 9. Back-up tier and self-repairing tools are allowed during the race. No outside support allowed. 10. Chief referee is assigned by China Cycling Assocaite and follow the latest CCA rules 11. If encountering rainy and windy weather, the race will be held as normal. If encountering severe weather situation, such as storming and lighting, the race may be postponed or cancelled. The registration fee is non-refundable. 12. If encountering rainy and windy weather, referees have the right to combine groups, decrease racing laps or change the race time. Please be aware of the public notice. 13. If timing chip is not working due to bad weather, referees will only manually record the top places. 14. Please log on to our official website for any changing notification and keep your cell phone on to receive messages. 竞技装备要求 1. 比赛用车 (1)参赛者自备参赛车辆、装备与护具,所有车辆不得配有任何非人力传动、助动装置。 (2)比赛用车为26、27.5、29寸山地车。 (3)比赛时所用外胎为1.75及以上山地齿胎,不得使用光头胎。 (4)比赛用车需装备有一定行程的避震软叉,不得使用硬叉参加比赛。 (5)前后轮均有良好的制动装置。 Equipment requirements 1. Racing bike - All bikes are not allowed to install motor power or any supporting device - 26” 27.5”29”mountain bikes only - Tiers must be 1.75”and wider off-road - Front fork must be equipped of shocks function. No hard ford allowed - Both tires must in good brake condition 2. 人身装备 (1)按比赛规定佩戴计时器和号码牌。 (2)比赛必须佩戴头盔。 (3)比赛中可佩戴眼镜、手表等安全用品,但不得携带、佩戴酒瓶、玻璃容器、音乐播放器等影响比赛或安全的物品。 2. Participator - Must wear timing chip and BIB - Must wear helmets - Glasses and watches are allowed to wear. Plastic bottles, MP3 and any other hazardous equipment are not allowed 赛事奖金 斯柯达HEROS黄山黟县国际山地节奖项设置 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | No.1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.7 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.10 | | | | | | | | | | | | | No.11 | | | 200 | | 700 | | 500 | | | | | | No.12 | | | 200 | | 600 | | 400 | | | | | | No.13 | | | 200 | | 500 | | 300 | | | | | | No.14 | | | 100 | | 400 | | 200 | | | | | | No.15 | | | 100 | | 300 | | 100 | | | | | | 完赛 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
名次录取及奖励规则 各单项每组完赛人数不足的,录取名次及奖金额度适当调整。详情如下 1、 男子60KM组、男子经典精英组——完赛人数不足50人的,取前十名记录名次, 奖金金额发放由原排名第3名金额开始顺 序发放。 2、 女子60KM组、女子经典精英组——完赛人数不足15人的,取前六名记录名次, 奖金金额发放由原排名第3名金额开始顺 序发放。 3、 男子40KM组、男子经典体验组——完赛人数不足50人的,取前十名记录名次, 奖金金额发放由原排名第3名金额开始顺 序发放。 4、 女子40KM组、女子经典体验组——完赛人数不足20人的,取前六名记录名次, 奖金金额发放由原排名第3名金额开始顺 数发放。 5、 男子20KM组 ——完赛人数不足50人的,取前十名记录名次, 奖金金额发放由原排名第3名金额开始顺 序发放。 6、 女子20KM组 ——完赛人数不足25人的,取前六名记录名次, 奖金金额发放由原排名第3名金额开始顺 序发放。 Ranking and rewarding (when finishers are fewer than expectation) 1. Male 60KM, Male elite – If finishers are fewer than 50,the top 10 will be recorded. Rewards will be adjusted to the original 3rd place amount and further on 2. Female 60KM, Female elite – If finishers are fewer than 15, the top 6 will be recorded. Rewards will be adjusted to the original 3rd place amount and further on 3. Male 40KM, Male open– If finishers are fewer than 50,the top 10 will be recorded. Rewards will be adjusted to the original 3rd place amount and further on 4. Female 40KM, Female open – If finishers are fewer than 20, the top 6 will be recorded. Rewards will be adjusted to the original 3rd place amount and further on 5. Male 20KM – If finishers are fewer than 50,the top 10 will be recorded. Rewards will be adjusted to the original 3rdplace amount and further on 6. Female 20KM – If finishers are fewer than 25, the top 6 will be recorded. Rewards will be adjusted to the original 3rdplace amount and further on