


《Life Cycles》的旁白 “Life is a river ……”

来源: GG_Bond 2013-4-27 17:24:33 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国浙江杭州


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《Life Cycles》估计很多人都看过。

介绍这部影片时通常会说“《Life Cycles》是一个自行车庆典,就算是从来没有骑过自行车的人也会深深感受到其魅力...” 那就试试看吧!

前几天,给一个完全不懂自行车的人推荐了这部影片。回复:确实震撼。但是却深究起来其中的旁白。不知道其他人注意到没有? 于是我给剪辑了一段录音和lrc。

分享下吧!这段旁白,我听了好几遍,很有意思,也很有哲理,但是也有多处疑点。你有吗? 听听看。


音频文件:http://url.cn/9Q91uw   (前者为wma格式,mp3格式文件大一些,地址为:http://url.cn/GTG3gZ
lrc歌词(字幕)文件:http://url.cn/BaA5Vj   (前者为中英文字幕,纯英文字幕地址为:http://url.cn/BIMD3o



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GG_Bond 2013-4-27 17:25:15 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
Life Cycles

Life is a river.
That's what granddad always used to say.
A beginning, an end, a million different ways in between.
He used a metaphor of my whole life how it ended, flowed.
Flowing the path, release the resistent. Barely straight through the impossible.
Clear as air, black as night.
But no matter what the direction or how it moved, what it looked like, the point according to granddad
was that the river always moved forward.
What kept him running the rabbits until he was old and gray?
The mystery would lay around the bend.

These days that mystery is hard to find.
The river is distant. The sky clouds out of concrete.
For many of us life's great adventure, all its beauty, all its connection sells by unnoticed.
Funny thing is the river is never that far off.
This is the story of a way back in, to the rush of moving forward.
Born from the earth crust.
Grow from the seeds of enervation.
Forged in fire's industry
The earth's most efficient machine creates the most efficient animal.
But bicycle, are noblest invention.
Trails like the seasons come and go.
Built on a foundation of diversity, beauty, classic elegance.
Never quite repeating themselves
A marvel made of beginnings and endings with a million different ways in between.

Granddad was all about those connections.
He had his hands in the earth as much as he did machines.
Maybe that's why he understood both sides.
Sure we tilt and cut, we rip and we sew.
And yeah, we do great damage. -----------.
After all, no matter how smart we think we are
we are just another part of history.
Balance a bike all right. Keep the padels turning.
Forget about everything except right now.
And there's no place you can't ride.
That's granddad used to say.

I once read that life is an act of suicide. And it's ture.
Probably the only creatures on the planet would notice.
Maybe that's why we are so good at killing.
It's going to die any way, might as well have it first selves.
So we take, we take some more.
But in the process we kill other less tangible entities
things like flow, joy, interaction, purpose
another way through the world has lost.
Not by one particular person
but by instinct, survival
the very chaos lifeself.

You spend hours thinking, designing, questioning.
Also you can spend a few seconds lost in one moment.
No time to think, just reaction, focus.
All the worry in a one washed away by the rush.
When it comes to ----
when the builder puts down the shovel and picks up the bike
when creation override distruction
well, that's living.

I still remember my first bike.
Perfect little banana ---- with big chopper handle bars, sparkling blue paint,
Bright memeries came on that miracle ----
crousing down from the side block, feeling big.
Even though I was only seven.
In a second, the world grew exponentially
We found secret back alleys jumped a whole four blocks away.
We crash, get giant scrips on our arms
race to the corner store as fast as we could.
Candy spill our pockets like stolen gold.
With every ride, every new advanture with crone wood fade
the rust was creepting at the pain.
Other kids was shown with the newer bikes.
My best friend Jimmy got a BMX with TRED tires, no funders.
He can jump at that thing like no body's business.

Then we found a trial. And the world changed again.
We find ourselves deep in the forest, riding over roots, dropping in the galleys, caught in the rain.
New kids were shown with gears, and bigger wheels.
While I'm in troop of my ride, much like the crown in the pain, my affection begin to fade.
My parents promised me a BMX when I got a little bigger.
But for now, chopper would have to do.
One day, far gone in the woods, my pecfect little banana ---- broken, too.
The end of age.
I cried for a long time, even know a new bike wasn't far off.
This thing had become a part of me. It still is.

No matter how well we build things
no matter how hard we love them
like everything else, for what ever reason
they are forth the end to take it all away.

It's only taken 200 years of ---- to get here.
200 years of inovation and invention, of not giving up.
Complex by design, simple by nature.
The bike is nothing more than cirecles turning circles.
It's the human motor that makes it elegant.
But no matter how far the bike has come
no matter how many it can already do
the pushing doesn't stop.
We still haven't found the edge.

One day the river meets the sea, and it's not a river any more.
It passed through the wheel of change
in or out of experience, stories, advanture, grand ends.
And have to be the right stops.
Lost but not entirely gone.
For now, as far as we can tell
The cycle of life, well, it never ends.
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GG_Bond 2013-4-27 17:25:42 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
生命周期/山地自行车之旅 Life Cycles

生命就是一条河 Life is a river.
我爷爷经常这样说 That's what granddad always used to say.
开始与结束之间 有千万条路线 A beginning, an end, a million different ways in between.
他用河流来形容我的一生 如何流动 如何结束 He used a metaphor of my whole life how it ended, flowed.
一路向前 克服艰难险阻 Flowing the path, release the resistent. Barely straight through the impossible.
有时清澈 有时浑浊 Clear as air, black as night.
爷爷说 不管流向什么方向 如何流动 呈现出怎样的姿态 But no matter what the direction or how it moved, what it looked like, the point according to granddad
河流永远都是向前流动的 was that the river always moved forward.
是什么让他年至垂暮还感慨万千呢 What kept him running the rabbits until he was old and gray?
见证奇迹的时刻到了 The mystery would lay around the bend.

如今这种奇迹很难被发现了 These days that mystery is hard to find.
河流离我们越来越远 天空充斥着灰尘  The river is distant. The sky clouds out of concrete.
对于很多人来说 生命的奇迹 生命的美丽 生命中联系 都已经在不经意间被破坏了 For many of us life's great adventure, all its beauty, all its connection sells by unnoticed.
有趣的是 河流距离我们并没有想象的那么远  Funny thing is the river is never that far off.
下面就让我们用一种方式回到生命之河的前进中去 This is the story of a way back in, to the rush of moving forward.
在地下诞生  Born from the earth crust.
在泥土中成长 Grow from the seeds of enervation.
在火焰中锻造 Forged in fire's industry
强大的工业使人类成为这个地球上最强大的生物 The earth's most efficient machine creates the most efficient animal.
而自行车 是人类最完美的发明 But bicycle, are noblest invention.
道路 来来去去 亦如季节 Trails like the seasons come and go.
多样 美丽 典雅 Built on a foundation of diversity, beauty, classic elegance.
从不完全重复 Never quite repeating themselves
一种有着不同的开始 结局以及无数不同过程的奇迹 A marvel made of beginnings and endings with a million different ways in between.

爷爷就好像是这其中的联系者 Granddad was all about those connections.
他花在土地上和花在机器上的时间一样多 He had his hands in the earth as much as he did machines.
也许这就是为什么他更理解生命的意义 Maybe that's why he understood both sides.
我们开采砍伐 我们消耗 我们也创造 Sure we tilt and cut, we rip and we sew.
是的 我们造成了很多破坏 And yeah, we do great damage. -----------.
无论我们认为自己有多聪明  After all, no matter how smart we think we are
我们也不过是历史的另一部分而已 we are just another part of history.
保持平衡 让踏板转动起来 Balance a bike all right. Keep the padels turning.
这一刻 忘记一切 Forget about everything except right now.
没什么地方是不能骑自行车的  And there's no place you can't ride.
这是爷爷曾经说过的话 That's granddad used to say.

生活就是一种自杀行为 这话说的很对 I once read that life is an act of suicide. And it's ture.
意识到这一点的 大概只有人类 Probably the only creatures on the planet would notice.
也许这就是为什么我们如此善于杀戮 Maybe that's why we are so good at killing.
我们终有一天会死 不妨及时行乐  It's going to die any way, might as well have it first selves.
所以我们就不停的获取 So we take, we take some more.
但是在我们让其他无形事物逐渐消失的过程中 But in the process we kill other less tangible entities
比如说某些生命的循环 人的幸福感 人与自然的互动 生存的意义  things like flow, joy, interaction, purpose
穿越世界的另一条路也随之消失了 another way through the world has lost.
不是某个特定的人造成的  Not by one particular person
而是整个人类的本性 生存  but by instinct, survival
正是人类的生命本身造成的 the very chaos lifeself.

你花费了太多的时间去思考 去设计 去质疑 You spend hours thinking, designing, questioning.
其实 你忘记这些只需一瞬间 Also you can spend a few seconds lost in one moment.
无需思考 顺其自然 全神贯注 No time to think, just reaction, focus.
一个人所有的烦恼都会在疾驰之中一扫而空 All the worry in a one washed away by the rush.
当接近尾声  When it comes to ----
当建造者放下工具拿起战车 when the builder puts down the shovel and picks up the bike
当创造替代了破坏 when creation override distruction
这 就是生活 well, that's living.

我依然记得我的第一辆自行车 I still remember my first bike.
耀眼的蓝色喷漆 拥有哈雷一样的弓形车把的完美小车 Perfect little banana ---- with big chopper handle bars, sparkling blue paint,
它带给了我美好的回忆  Bright memeries came on that miracle ----
依稀记得那从高处冲下的快感 crousing down from the side block, feeling big.
我那时才7岁 Even though I was only seven.
世界一下子变得大不一样 In a second, the world grew exponentially
我们在距离四个街区远的地方发现了一些秘密的胡同 We found secret back alleys jumped a whole four blocks away.
我们互相碰撞 在胳膊上系上宽大的布带  We crash, get giant scrips on our arms
用最快的速度比赛冲向街角的商店 race to the corner store as fast as we could.
糖果从口袋里掉出来 好像逃跑的强盗掉出来的金块儿 Candy spill our pockets like stolen gold.
在寒来暑往中的一次又一次的骑行 一次又一次的冒险里  With every ride, every new advanture with crone wood fade
车子慢慢变得锈迹斑斑 the rust was creepting at the pain.
其他的小孩开始骑着新车出现  Other kids was shown with the newer bikes.
我最好的朋友 吉米 买了一辆装有TRED轮胎的BMX  My best friend Jimmy got a BMX with TRED tires, no funders.
他不准任何人碰他的车 He can jump at that thing like no body's business.

当我们发现了林道 世界又一次改变了 Then we found a trial. And the world changed again.
我在森林中穿行 穿梭于树木之间 飞跃沟壑 冒雨飞奔 We find ourselves deep in the forest, riding over roots, dropping in the galleys, caught in the rain.
车子在更新换代 New kids were shown with gears, and bigger wheels.
而我对新的装备并没什么热情 While I'm in troop of my ride, much like the crown in the pain, my affection begin to fade.
父母承诺 当我再大一点 再给我买一辆BMX  My parents promised me a BMX when I got a little bigger.
但是现在 我的车仍在服役 But for now, chopper would have to do.
有一天 在丛林深处 我的爱车最终报废了 One day, far gone in the woods, my pecfect little banana ---- broken, too.
没法再骑了  The end of age.
虽然我知道很快我就会有新车的 我还是哭了很久 I cried for a long time, even know a new bike wasn't far off.
他已经融入我的生命 并且永远如此 This thing had become a part of me. It still is.

无论我们造物如何精良  No matter how well we build things
无论我们对其有多么热爱 no matter how hard we love them
正如世间万物 无论是什么原因  like everything else, for what ever reason
它们最终都会慢慢离开我们 they are forth the end to take it all away.

人类只用了200年就发展到了今天  It's only taken 200 years of ---- to get here.
200年的发明创造 200年的永不言败 200 years of inovation and invention, of not giving up.
设计很复杂 本质却追求简洁 Complex by design, simple by nature.
单车只不过是一圈一圈的循环往复 The bike is nothing more than cirecles turning circles.
人类制造的马达使其显得更为高雅 It's the human motor that makes it elegant.
但不管单车的发展历程有多么久远  But no matter how far the bike has come
无论它已经带来了什么 no matter how many it can already do
前进的步伐却从未停止  the pushing doesn't stop.
我们尚未到达终点 We still haven't found the edge.

终有一天 河流汇入海洋 从此它不再是一条河流 One day the river meets the sea, and it's not a river any more.
它经历的变革的滚滚车轮  It passed through the wheel of change
尝遍各种经历 故事 冒险 最终走向美好的终点 in or out of experience, stories, advanture, grand ends.
最终 有了完美的结局 And have to be the right stops.
消散了 但没有消逝  Lost but not entirely gone.
目前为止 就我们所知 For now, as far as we can tell
生命的轮回 其实 永无止境 The cycle of life, well, it never ends.
Edit by Rocky, Thank you!
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GG_Bond 2013-4-27 17:26:14 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
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aaron 2013-4-27 17:30:26 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
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GG_Bond 2013-4-27 17:43:46 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州

1. 旁白者身份:是骑行者,还是那位爷爷? 按理说是前者,但是声音很苍老,而且描述的时候像是对自己久远经历的回忆。难道旁白者现在的假设身份是躺在医院或坐在轮椅上慢慢回忆?

2. 影片显然是好几段合成,而且有不同的角色,通过旁白串联在一起。但是旁白确实一气呵成的。也就是说,影片的角色到底几个?

3. 似乎表达的想法也很复杂。在单车之外表达了很多,比如工业文明、环保、人生……

4. 细节也有些问题:“It's the human motor that makes it elegant.”(这里的it = The bike) 难道说的是e-bike? 电瓶车? 还是电子变速呢?

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皓月西湖 2013-4-27 18:00:07 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
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标子 2013-4-27 19:14:00 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
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杭电酷派越南 2013-4-27 19:20:12 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
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aaron 2013-4-27 21:30:37 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
GG_Bond 发表于 2013-4-27 17:43
1. 旁白者身份:是骑行者,还是那位爷爷? 按理说是前者,但是声音很苍老,而且描述的时候像是对自己久远 ...

第四个不是问题啊,是翻译错位吧,这个是强调句式,意思是Human motor makes it elegant.  Human motor指的应该是骑车的人吧
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