Sport is a daily motivation,though it requires some sacrifice, it offers much more in terms of a healthy mind and body. It helps all of us to take a break, to take some time away from our daily routine. For some, however, it is the daily routine, it is life. 对有些人来说,运动是紧张生活中的放松;但对另一些人来说(比如职业车手),这就是生活的全部。
And when you are at the top of the sport, where your life goal is to reach the Tour de France and then once you are finally in, regardless of whether it is the first or the tenth time, you are here. You have to perform. The world is watching. 当你站上了世界最顶级的自行车比赛赛场,你此时此刻的人生目标便是赢得这场比赛。 无论最终结果是排名第一,还是第十,你都必须站在这儿,投入你的全部,来完成这场比赛。
Chances are that you are not a general classification contender and the only chance you get to enjoy these 3 weeks is to take a breakaway, to show the spectators you are here and this whole thing was not just some fluke, it was the result of your intentions and determination. 可能你并非是一位全能型的选手,而你所需要面对最大敌手其实是你自己。 如果在这三周的比赛中,你突破了自己,那么你就是成功者。
You close your eyes and you push yourself to make it to the finish...... You are almost there...... You can see the finish line!
You could have touched it first, but what a cruel, cruel sport ! This, my friends, is why we love the Tour!