


bob dylan -things have changed

来源: aaron 2005-7-5 19:55:25 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国浙江绍兴


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aaron 2009-11-29 12:39:26 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
A worried man with a worried mind
  No one in front of me and nothing behind
  There's a woman on my lap and she's drinking champagne
  Got white skin, got assassin's eyes
  I'm looking up into the sapphire tinted skies
  I'm well dressed, waiting on the last train

  Standing on the gallows with my head in a noose
  Any minute now I'm expecting all hell to break loose

  People are crazy and times are strange
  I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
  I used to care, but things have changed

  This place ain't doing me any good
  I'm in the wrong town, I should be in Hollywood
  Just for a second there I thought I saw something move
  Gonna take dancing lessons do the jitterbug rag
  Ain't no shortcuts, gonna dress in drag

  Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

  Lot of water under the bridge, Lot of other stuff too
  Don't get up gentlemen, I'm only passing through

  People are crazy and times are strange
  I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
  I used to care, but things have changed

  I've been walking forty miles of bad road
  If the bible is right, the world will explode
  I've been trying to get as far away from myself as I can
  Some things are too hot to touch
  The human mind can only stand so much
  You can't win with a losing hand

  Feel like falling in love with the first woman I meet
  Putting her in a wheel barrow and wheeling her down the street

  People are crazy and times are strange
  I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
  I used to care, but things have changed

  I hurt easy, I just don't show it
  You can hurt someone and not even know it
  The next sixty seconds could be like an eternity
  Gonna get low down, gonna fly high
  All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie
  I'm love with a woman who don't even appeal to me

  Mr. Jinx and Miss Lucy, they jumped in the lake
  I'm not that eager to make a mistake

  People are crazy and times are strange
  I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
  I used to care, but things have changed
aaron 2009-11-29 12:40:03 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
http://www.51bike.com/thread-27924-1-1.html 这首歌,唱的就是和bob dylan的故事
aaron 2009-11-29 12:52:57 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州



  1993年的民歌专辑获格莱美大奖。1997年Time Out of Mind在98年获得三项格莱美奖
水饺七号 2009-11-29 13:40:00 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴
z水边 2009-11-29 19:30:22 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴

长长渊刚就深受bob dylan的影响。
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