Claudine Longet,1942年生於法國巴黎,19歲在拉斯維加斯表演時接識了Andy Williams(情歌聖手安迪威廉斯被喻為叱吒風雲的歌壇長青樹,從他開始進入歌壇以來,已經屹立了超過六十個年頭。1928年出生的安迪,少年時代與三個兄弟以「威廉斯四兄弟」的姿態崛起。1952年,他展開獨唱生涯,以溫暖而多情的高音聞名,1961年加盟新力唱片之後,更進入了全盛時期,最為膾炙人口的包括「第凡內早餐」、「教父」、「愛的故事」等電影的主題曲,雖然不是原唱,卻都成了他的招牌歌曲,甚至比「原唱」更受歡迎。)並成為他的妻子,之後Claudine一些電視劇集裏出演過一些角色、也上過大螢幕拍過一些不起眼的電影、主持一些節目等等,但都沒有給人們留下什麼特別深刻的印像。
Claudine Longet在1967年灌錄了她的首張唱片"Claudine",然後到74年為止,她一共發行了"The Look of Love" / "Love is Blue" / "Colours" / "Run Wild, Run Free" / "We’ve Only Just Begun" / "Let’s Spend the Night Together"等七張唱片(當然都是LP黑膠唱片),這些唱片也並未為她帶來更大的聲望。
why does the sun go on shining?
why does the sea rush to shore?
don't they know it's the end of the world
'cause you don't love me anymore?
oh...why do the birds go on singing?
why do the starts glow above?
don't they know it's the end of the world?
it ended when i lost your love.
i wake up in the morning and now wonder
why everything 's the same as it was.
i can't understand.
no, i can't understand
how life goes on the way it does.
oh...why does my heart go on beating?
why do these eyes of mine cry?
don't they know it's the end of the world?
it ended when you said------ goodbye!
don't they know it's the end of the world?
it ended when you said------ goodbye!