



a morning smile
A man writing at the post office desk was approached by an older fellow with a post card in his hand.

The old man said, "Sir, I'm sorry to bother you but could you address this post card for me? My arthritis is acting up today and I can't even hold a pen."

"Certainly, sir," said the younger man, "I'd be glad to." He wrote out the address and also agreed to write a short message and sign the card for the man.

Finally, the younger man asked, "Now, is there anything else I can do for you?"

The old fellow thought about it for a moment and said, "Yes, at the end could you just add, 'PS: Please excuse the sloppy hand-writing?'"
项目 人员 规则  技术 自行车 场地 装备

1. 自行车运动:cycling; biking

2. 山地自行车运动:mountain biking [cycling]


3. 自行车竞赛:bicycle racing; bike grind

4. 赛车场自行车竞赛:track [velodrome] race

5. 争先赛:sprint

6. 追逐赛:pursuit [chase] race

7. 个人追逐赛:individual pursuit race

8. 团体追逐赛:team pursuit race

9. 双人赛:paired race

10. 记分赛:points race

11. 计时赛:time trial; race against the watch

12. 单人出发比赛:unpaced competition

13. 公路自行车竞赛:road cycling

14. 个人公路赛:individual road race

15. 团体公路赛:team road race

16. 短距离公路赛:sprint road race

17. 环行赛:circuit race

18. 环行公路赛:criterium

19. 每圈淘汰赛(最后到达终点者出局):miss and out; devil-take-the-hindmost

20. 往返赛:out and home race

21. 速降赛:downhill race

22. 爬坡赛:hill climb

23. 摩托车领先赛:motor-paced race

24. 短距离赛:short-distance race; sprint

25. 长距离赛:long-distance [staying; endurance] race

26. 自行车越野赛:cycle-cross; cross-country [off-road; point-to-point] cycling

27. 小轮车赛:bicycle motocross(BMX)

28. 山地自行车赛:mountain bike race

29. 环程越野赛(3-5英里):kermesse

30. 分段赛:stage racing

31. 凯林赛(赛车场内由摩托车牵引一定圈数后再进行冲刺):keirin race

32. 麦迪逊赛(赛车场内两人交替接力,赛程为50公里):Madison race

33. 一日赛:one-day race

34. 多日赛:race of several days

35. 环法公路赛:Tour de France


36. 自行车运动员:cyclist; rider; biker; bicycler; bicyclist; pedal-pusher

37. 场地自行车运动员:track rider

38. 公路自行车运动员:road racer [rider]

39. 计圈裁判员:lap judge

40. 弯道裁判员:corner [turn] judge; judge in curve

41. 折返点裁判员:turnback judge

42. 计圈员:lap scorer

43. 车辆检察员:machine examiner


44. 集合地点:assembling place

45. 原地出发:standing start

46. 行进出发:flying start

47. 推车出发:pushing start

48. 单独[个人]出发:individual start

49. 单骑:isolated riding

50. 成组到达:bunch finish

51. 交通规则:traffic regulations

52. 禁止通行:closed to traffic

53. 靠右骑行:keep to the right

54. 不合法骑乘:illegal riding

55. 机械事故:mechanical trouble

56. 断链:chain fracture [rupture]

57. 车胎扎破:puncture of tire

58. 爆胎:tire burst

59. 换车:bicycle change

60. 车轮打滑:skid

61. 换车轮:wheel change

62. 多人摔倒:mass fall [tumble]


63. 蹬车:pedal

64. 倒蹬:back-pedal

65. 离座骑行:standing on pedals

66. 骑行姿势:riding posture

67. 领骑:pace

68. 无人领骑的:unpaced

69. 领骑者:leader; pacemaker

70. 开路先锋:trail breaker

71. 领先运动员的替换:leader’s changer

72. 尾随:support

73. 尾随者:supporting member; domestique

74. 滑流:slipstream

75. 梯形队形:echelon

76. 主车群:bunch; pack; peloton

77. 摆脱:breakaway; runaway

78. 超过:overtake; pass; outdistance; drop

79. 超越:attack from the rear

80. 从前面跑开:go off from the front

81. 车速调整:pace changing

82. 冲刺:spurt

83. 假冲刺:feinted spurt

84. 弯道冲刺:bank dash

85. 骑上跑道边缘:border climbing

86. 上坡:ascend

87. 下坡:descend

88. 滑行下坡:coast

89. 侧逆风:side headwind

90. 侧顺风:leading side wind

91. 空气阻力:air resistance

92. 撒把骑车:freehand cycling

93. 后轮平衡特技:wheelie


94. 自行车:bicycle; bike; roadster

95. 赛车:racer; racing bicycle

96. 公路赛车:road racer

97. 场地赛车:track racer

98. BMX赛车:BMX bike

99. 山地自行车:mountain bike

100.双人自行车:tandem bicycle



103.立叉:rear [seat] stays

104.平叉:bottom forks; chain stays

105.立管:seat tube

106.下管:down tube

107.横梁:crossbar; top tube


109.赛车车把:drop [racing] handlebar; Sacchi stem


111.鞍[车]座:saddle; seat

112.前轮:front wheel

113.后轮:hind [rear] wheel


115.碟[封闭]轮:disk wheel


117.车胎:tire; tyre

118.备用车胎:spare tire

119.外胎:outer casing [cover]

120.内胎:inner tube

121.管式车胎:tubular tube

122.气门心:valve core

123.挡泥板:mudguard; fender

124.气筒:pump; inflator


126.踏脚套:clip band; toelip strap


128.链轮:chain wheel

129.飞轮:sprocket wheel


131.链条:(bushed; roller; block) chain

132.护链板:chain guard

133.链传动:chain transmission

134.传动比:gear ratio

135.齿轮变速装置:gear change

136.变速传动:variable transmission

137.变速手柄:gear-change lever



140.前闸:front-wheel brake

141.后闸:rear-wheel brake

142.线闸:caliper brake

143.前轴:front hub

144.后轴:rear hub

145.中轴:bottom bracket bearing


147.中轴与地面的距离:ground clearance


148.自行车赛场:cycling track; cycle stadium; velodrome; saucer

149.室内赛车场:indoor cycle track

150.外跑道:outer track

151.内圈跑道:inner track

152.终点直道:home straight

153.非终点直道:back straight

154.斜面:bank; cant; climbing turn

155.水泥跑道:cement track

156.混凝土跑道:concrete track


158.木质跑道:board [wood] track

159.硬跑道:hard track

160.蓝区:blue area

161.公路:(public) road


163.崎岖不平的路:bumpy road

164.急弯:hairpin bend

165.补给站:feeding station


166.场地骑行服:track vest

167.公路骑行服:road vest

168.黄衫(分段赛成绩领先者穿着):yellow jersey

169.流线型头盔:aerodynamic helmet

170.骑行鞋:cycling shoe

171.水壶:feeding bottle; flask

172.工具袋:tool bag

173.服务车:service van

174.护车:escort car
情人节的来历:Origin of Valentine's Day

The origin of the name, Valentine, remains in doubt. Some historians contend the festival commemorates the death of a Christian martyr named Valentine on February 14, in the year 270.
Others link it to another St. Valentine who became the patron saint of lovers after he was imprisoned by Emperor Claudius for secretly marrying couples contrary to the Emperor’s order.
Still others say the name is originated from a French word meaning “gallant”(a man who pays great attention to women).
And one further theory is that February 14 was chosen because birds traditionally began to
mate on that day.

Whatever the origin, Valentine' s Day has had a long and romantic history. The Roman conquerors carried the celebration to England, and then the English settlers carried it to the America .

Xbreaker Schoolroom–Free Style Bike Stunt[BMX] Dictionary
Free Style Bicycle Stunt Riding/自由式特技单车的种类:Free Style Bicycle Stunt Riding 由BMX (Bicycle Motocross) 发展而来,主要分为以下五种:

1. Speed/泥地竞速比赛:在泥地的速度比赛,欧洲较为流行。

2. Dirt Jump/泥地跳跃比赛:在泥地的各种坡度上进行比赛。

3. Street Course [Park]/街道跳跃花式比赛(公园赛):与在街式的滑板公园类似,模仿一些坡度、弧度的障碍,往往与滑板比赛同时进行。

4. Halfpipe /半管赛:即在半管场地里进行跳跃花式比赛,与直排轮滑和滑板半管赛类似。

5. Flatland/平地花式赛:平地花式是最基础的,也是最重要的,它的动作有上百种,其中最基本的是车上静平衡,如后轮点地跳、前轮点地跳、擦轮、定车、飘、过桥等,有的动作与攀爬 (Bike Trials) 类似。初学者在提高静平衡能力后才能练习更高难度的平衡,即在自行车运动过程中做动作。 BMX的车身一般采用合金制成,可以承受从几米高的地方摔下的冲力。设计上也有许多的特殊之处,如不受车闸线的限制,可以做360度转动的车把(这也是与攀爬车Bike Trials不同的地方),前后轮都有可供脚踩的“火箭筒”等。一辆车只要换一些小的零件就可以做出不同的玩法,可以满足不同性格的人的需要。

BMX Action/ BMX 动作系列



Table Top:国名"空中水平",指车手在空中将车身倾斜使之与地面平行,再将车身摆回安全着地的动作。

Truck Driver:或Bus Driver,国名"大车司机",360度转车把。形象命名,如同大车司机耍活儿来个急调头,360度转方向盘。(多一句,BMX特技单车的车把与普通自行车不同,可360度旋转,当然720度或更多也没问题)。



Bike Category/自行车种类(中英文对照)


DS--Dual Slalom :速降对抗赛车

DH--Down Hill:速降车

FS--Full Suspension:全减震越野车

XC--Cross Country:越野车(通常为越野车)


T.T--Time Trial:计时赛车



Cycle cross:公路越野车


BMX--Bicycle Motocross:小轮车越野

Bike Trial:攀爬车,分为小轮和大轮两种,俗称大攀和小攀。



Bike Accessory/自行车零件名称(中英文对照)

1、Main Accessory/主要部件

Frameset(Frame): 车架
Fork : 前叉 
Suspension : 避震,前避震叫Fork,后避震叫Shock,一般不用Suspension
Crankset : 大齿盘
Bottom Bracket(BB) : 中轴(简称BB)


Derailleur : 拨链器 变速器

Shift Cables : 变速线
Shift Lever set : 变速手把 手拨
Cassette Sprockets : 飞轮,一般就直接说成Cassette
Chain : 链条

3、Brake System/刹车系统

Brake : 刹车
V-Brake : V型刹车
Disc-Brake : 碟刹
Handelbar : 把横
Aheadset Stem(stem): 把立
Cartridge Headset : 车头碗组(前叉碗 ),一般就直接说Headset

Brake cables:刹车线


Pedals : 脚踏

Wheel : 车轮

Rim : 车圈
Tire : 车胎

Hub : 花鼓,车轮轴
Spoke : 辐条
Saddle : 车座
Seatpost : 座管
Bar End:副把

Weigh: 车重

Ski pad: 护盘

Chain tensioner :拉链片

Bar : 把手

R-rim: 后圈

Seat: 座包

MUST READ: Top 10 Ways To Prevent Cancer
Cancer... either you have had it, will develop it at some time, or know someone who has had it or has it. Whether we like it or not, cancer affects each one of us directly or indirectly. Preventing cancer is easier than you may think. Through simple lifestyle changes, we can reduce our risk of developing many types of cancer.

1. Avoid smoking, whether it be actual smoking or secondhand smoke.
We hear a dozen times a day how bad cigarettes are for us and the risk of lung cancer. Why? Because smoking is the most significant risk factors for cancers that we can reduce. Did you know that smoking can increase your risk of many other cancers? Need help quitting? Check out About's Smoking Cessation Site for great tips and support.

2. Practice sun safety and recognize when skin changes occur.
Skin cancer is becoming more common, especially among young people. Wear sunscreen when outdoors, even if it is shady, and try to avoid the outdoors during the sun's peak time, which is 10 am - 2 pm. Knowing your skin's moles and spots is essential. Any changes need to be reported to your doctor ASAP.

3. Eat your fruits and veggies.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which help repair our damaged cells. Green veggies and orange and yellow fruits and veggies are your best bet. Learn more about antioxidants in this great article, "Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention"

4. Watch the meats you eat, especially smoked or cured foods.
Research suggests that a diet high in animal fat can lead to the development of certain cancers. A diet high in smoked foods, salted fish and meat, and pickled vegetables increases your risk factor for cancer.

5. Limit your alcohol intake.
Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol regularly increases your risk factor for cancer. Studies suggest that men who consume 2 alcoholic drink per day and women who have 1 alcoholic drink per day significantly increase their risk factors for certain types of cancer.

6. Exercise for cancer prevention.
Being overweight greatly increases your risk factor for developing cancer. So, exercising to maintain or reach your ideal weight is one of the best defenses against cancer. Exercising doesn't have to be a bore, check out Top 10 Best Ways to Prevent Cancer Through Exercise for some fun ways to exercise.

7. Know your personal and family history of cancer.
Research tells us that some types of cancers can be genetic. Knowing your family history of cancer can help you make more informed decisions about your healthcare. It can also aid in genetic testing and counseling, to assist you in finding out if you carry a mutated gene that increases your risk factor for cancer. Check out "Genetic Cancers" for more information about genetic cancer, testing and counseling.

8. Know what chemicals you are being exposed to in your work environment.
If you are exposed to fumes, dust, chemicals, etc in the workplace, you have a right to know what you are being exposed to. Gasoline, diesel exhaust, arsenic, beryllium. vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, coal products, mustard gas, and chloromethyl ethers are all carcinogens and can be found in some work environments. Talk to your employer about limiting exposure.

9. Practice safe sex.
Unsafe sex can result in the infection of the HPV virus, a known cause for cervical cancer and a risk factor for many other cancers. HPV is a virus transmitted through sexual intercourse. Learn more about HPV in "HPV: What is HPV and How Do You Get It?"

10. Be sure to keep up on screening tests like the Pap, mammograms, and DREs.
Make sure you have regular screening tests like the Pap smear and mammogram if you are a woman, and a DRE (digital rectal exam) if you are a man. The Pap and DRE can detect cellular changes before they become cancerous, and the mammogram may be able to detect breast cancer early. A rectal exam should be part of a woman's yearly gyn exam.

   Why do you ride?
Me first!

I started to ride to relieve stress and to stay in shape. Now that I've been doing it awhile I ride because I love the entire experience. I love the aromas of fresh cut grass, spring onions, honeysuckle and other flowers as I spin by. Sometimes I can smell delicious meals cooking in nearby homes. The feeling of complete victory and freedom racing down a steep downhill portion of the road is worth the breathless uphill climb.
The mental health aspects of the ride are many. Many days I've started a ride stressed out from a busy study at work and arrive back home refreshed, glowing and smiling. I typically ride alone, and this private time allows me to reflect on all aspects of life, time I would not normally allow myself to just relax and contemplate. Other folks walking outside or working in their yards smile and wave. It just takes a large load off my fast-paced and demanding life.
Physically, I'm in better shape than I was 3 months ago. I'm stronger, more toned and flexible, and I have energy to spare. It is so exciting to look back at parts along my paths that were once physically challenging for me, but now I can shift a gear or two and keep the pace effortlessly.

To summarize, I ride because I love to ride!

翻译组 必须掌握 单车英语 术语。。(必看)
cyclocomputer  码表,也可以说speedometer,简称speedo
cadence 蹬踏频率
chain  链条
chain guard 链罩
derailleur 变速器
disc brake 碟刹
fender 挡泥板
folding bicycle 折叠车
geared bicycle 变速车
gloves 手套 full-fingered gloves, half-fingered gloves 全指,半指手套
jersey 骑行服
hardtail 没有后避震的山地车
helmet 头盔
HRM - Heart Rate Monitor  心律表
mud guard 挡泥板
pedal 踏板
penny farthing   前轮大后轮小的自行车
puncture 爆胎,用法:I had a puncture today.
How to fix a puncture? 怎样补胎?爆胎也可以说 I had a flat tyre.
pump 气筒
recumbent bicycle 躺骑车
saddle, seat 车座
seat post 座管
shorts 骑行短裤
slick tires(slicks) 光头胎 knobby tires(knobbies) 粗胎
softtail 有后避震的山地车
spoke  钢丝
support vehicle  后勤车
suspension 避震 front suspension前避震, rear suspension 后避震
tandem bicycle 双人自行车
transferer  转会者
triathlon 铁人三项
triathlete 铁人三项选手
tube 内胎
tyre(tire)  外胎
UCI  - Union Cycliste Internationale (=International Cycling Union)国际自行车联盟[法]
water bottle cage 水壶架
wheel  轮子
newbie  新手
roadie   骑公路车的
pinned 置顶的
stickied 置顶的

T.T--Time Trial:计时赛车
Cycle cross:公路越野车

1、Main Accessory/主要部件
Frameset(Frame): 车架    Fork : 前叉 
Suspension : 避震,前避震叫Fork,后避震叫Shock,一般不用Suspension
Crankset : 大齿盘
Bottom Bracket(BB) : 中轴(简称BB)
Derailleur : 拨链器 变速器
Shift Cables : 变速线
Shift Lever set : 变速手把 手拨
Cassette Sprockets : 飞轮,一般就直接说成Cassette
Chain : 链条
3、Brake System/刹车系统
Brake : 刹车   V-Brake : V型刹车  Disc-Brake : 碟刹   Handelbar : 把横
Aheadset Stem(stem): 把立
Cartridge Headset : 车头碗组(前叉碗 ),一般就直接说Headset
Brake cables:刹车线
Crank:曲柄(公路赛车)   Pedals : 脚踏   Wheel : 车轮   Rim : 车圈
Tire : 车胎   tube:内胎   Hub : 花鼓,车轮轴   Spoke : 辐条      Saddle : 车座   Seatpost : 座管   Bar End:副把   wheelset:轮组
Grip:把套   Weight: 车重   Ski pad: 护盘  Chain tensioner :拉链片
Bar : 把手  R-rim: 后圈   Seat: 座包
Biking from Shaoxing to Hangzhou
My alarm clock went at 4:50 AM.  Within five minutes I was out of bed, dressed, and was about to drink my first cup of black coffee for the morning.  By 5:20 AM had finished my first cup of black coffee, and poured the remaining two cups of coffee into my water bottle (to drink at a later time), and had cycled two kilometers across town.
China does not stand still for very long.  The early morning is one of the few moments when one can witness an idle China.  As I waited at the intersection to meet my Chinese friend, the third person in our biking party, I could see streets almost devoid of cars, bicycles, tricycles, and teeming masses. It made me feel uncomfortable - I've been in China too long.
Whilst waiting for my friend I altered the height of the saddle to suit my nonwestern legs.  Once again I had borrowed a bicycle (with gears) from a Chinese friend rather than push my Forever bicycle from Shaoxing to Hangzhou. ('Forever' bicycles are well named: they take forever to ride anywhere.)

By 5:30 a.m. we were on a way.  I was wearing comfortable cotton trousers, a pair of comfortable shoes, and a comfortable cotton shirt.  My clothes were not at all down market, but then one would not have called them flash either.  My Chinese friends, on the other hand, will wearing clothes that could only be described as flash - daresay 'loud'.  Chinese bikers, it seems, very much like to wear the clothes worn by road racers abroad, such as, fluorescent or brightly coloured Lycra tops covered with advertising, close fitting Lycra shorts, and vibrant helmets.  I can understand where the helmets because it’s a safety issue.  I can understand wearing trousers because the saddles a usually hard and trousers have additional padding.  And I can understand the brightly coloured tops because these brightly coloured tops make as feasible to the traffic.  But the advertising I do not understand.  I can only assume that the Chinese have seen photographs of sponsored teams and wish to emulate them.

The ride from Hangzhou to Shaoxing is flat virtually all the way.  It is not difficult on the mountain bicycle to maintain constant speed of twenty to thirty kilometres an hour.  Cruising at the speed permitted us to complete the sixty to seventy kilometre journey in a little over two hours. This also included a twenty-minute stop to drink my coffee mid-journey.  My two companions commented that after drinking my coffee, and receiving another hit of hyper-caffein, pedaled much faster than previously.  It seems coffee serves a purpose after all - it makes us peddle faster.  Chinese prefer to drink tea, a much more relaxing than the coffee, and accordingly pedal in a more relaxed manner.

We arrived in Hangzhou before some of the people we were going to visit had risen out of bed.  So we ate breakfast was we waited for them to awaken from their slumbers and prepare to meet us.  After meeting more friends we went cycling around the picturesque hills of Hangzhou.  These hills truly are picturesque – one wants to continually take pictures of them. What was most noteworthy was the abundant green that seems to assault a cyclist from all directions.  On either side are green bushes, green shrubs, ferns, and saplings. The trees on either side grow over to cover the road and blot out much of the sky. I was not alone in thinking that Hangzhou’s beautiful hills were the place to spend my day, so thought half of Hangzhou it seems.  I have noticed in China that the Chinese have a preference for crowded areas.  The masses of people attending any area, site, or event enhances their experience – solitude and loneliness does not seem to appeal.  Most Chinese were transported to the hills by vehicular transport: buses, cars, and taxis were abundant, as were the fumes given off by their engines.  Nonetheless, being in Hangzhou’s hills with lots of Chinese was preferable to being in any Chinese city with even more Chinese.

I will continue riding bicycles around China because I believe is one of the nicest ways of seeing – and more importantly, understanding – this huge country.  I might also be persuaded to buy a brightly coloured Lycra top cover with advertising.

China restores bike lanes lost to car boom
Jonathan Watts in Shanghai
Friday June 16, 2006
The Guardian

Having spent the past decade pursuing a transport policy of four wheels rich, two wheels poor, the Chinese government has suddenly rediscovered the environmental and health benefits of the bicycle.

The construction ministry announced that any bike lanes that have been narrowed or destroyed to make way for cars in recent years must be returned to their original glory. This followed orders on Tuesday that all civil servants should cycle to work or take public transport to reduce the smog that chokes most streets.

Qiu Baoxing, a vice-minister with the Ministry of Construction, said it was important for China to retain its title as the "kingdom of bicycles," according to a report by the official Xinhua news agency.

The reputation was well deserved 25 years ago, when Beijing was famous for its swarms of cyclists. But a quarter-century of breakneck industrial development has transformed the streets of almost every city. China has become infatuated with the car, which is seen as a symbol of success and modernity.

Qiu was quoted as saying the number of vehicles on China's roads has increased more than twenty-fold since 1978 to 27m. Within 15 years, he predicted, it could rise to more than 130m - which still represents only one car for every 10 people.

In Beijing alone, it is estimated that 1,000 new cars every day are added to an already appalling traffic snarl-up. Until now, urban planners have tried to make room for these economic engines by building thousands of miles of multi-lane roads, often at the expense of bike lanes.

The apparent shift of focus comes at the start of a new five-year economic plan in which the government says its priority is to improve the environment and conserve energy.
We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.
A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day.

The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.

If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.

It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate.

A bosom friend afar brings distance near.

A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step.

Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies.

On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects.

This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage.

Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.

All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men.

The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct.

A righteous man never feels ashamed to face his shadow when standing alone and to face his soul when sleeping alone.

The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate; the friendship between men without virtue is sweet like wine, yet easily broken.

Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families.

Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.

If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day?

The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending.



