Well it's time to begin as the summer sets in
It's the scene
You set for new lovers
You play your part painting in a new start
But each gate will open another
June July and August said
It's probably hard to plan ahead
June July and August said
It's better to bask in each others
Gatekeeper seasons wait for your nod
Gatekeeper you held your breath
Made the summer go on and on
Well they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Making love and making their dinner
Only to find that the love that they grew in the summer
February April said
Don't be fooled by the summer again
February April said
That half of the year, well we'll never be friends
Gatekeeper seasons wait for your nod
Gatekeeper you held your breath
Made the winter go on and on
Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper
Seasons wait for your nod
feist可算是一个挺传奇的女艺人。1976年出生于加拿大的Calgary市,从70年代中期便以这个feist的名义开始在高中年代加入当时一支名为Placebo的乐队(注:非英国著名Placebo),且随这支乐队担任了一次the Ramones的演唱会开场乐队。时至1998年,feist才在相对成功之下,推出了首张solo work EP,可是这并不能继续她的单飞,出了这张EP不久,feist便加入了By Divine Right担任gt随之巡演北国,就在一年之后,feist终于推出了Debut solo album [Monarch],同样,这也呆不住feist,曾经是feist的同房的Peaches呼唤她的加入,在帮助其发行了[Teaches of Peaches]后变离开了又加入了Broken Social Scene录制[You Forgot it in People],且凭借这张出众的album获得了2002年所评选的[Alternative Album of the Year in 2003]。在一次又一次的巡演之后,feist被Art & Crafes签入旗下,在法国巴黎所录制的[Let it Die]才得以在2004年面世。现在的feist,还在参与一些乐队的人声部分的演绎,如Kings of Convenience、Apostle of Hustle以及Jane Birkin。
[Let it Die]是一张用时两年去完成的album,精致、诡异、甜而不腻、流行但不泛滥、轻松却得沉思,一切,都难以完整的去诠释这张album。内容之丰富,涉及的领域之多,诸如indie rock、bossa nova、R&B、jazz、france-pop等,无一不给这张album添色。挑选试听之歌,实然伤脑筋之举,忍痛割爱阿...每一首歌,都是那样的动听,旋律决不单一困乏,略带清新之感,舒畅身心悠然自在。开篇的[Gatekeeper]以及[Mushaboom]便以轻佻的节拍起始了feist的精心演绎,试听的[Leisure Suite]最大亮点应在其配乐的丰富以及耳语般的唱法,album内包还括了cover Ron Sexsmith以及the Bee Gees的[Secret Heart]和[Inside and Out]末曲的[l’amour ne dure pas toujour]则为feist对法语的一次尝试。